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Topic :- विजुअल बेसिक
Q 1.) कौनसा संख्यात्मक डेटा प्रकार है? | ||||||||
a) Floating point b) Integer c) Boolean d) Both a and b Answer ★★★ Both a and b |
Q 2.) Dynamic Array का Syntax क्या है ? | ||||||||
a) Dim Array_name (new_size) b) Redim Array_name (new_size) c) Dim Array_name (size) d) Redim Array_name (size) Answer ★★★ Redim Array_name (new_size) |
Q 3.) OOP’s क्या है | ||||||||
।a) Objective Oriented Program b) Object Oriented Program c) Objective Oriented Programming d) Object Oriented Programming Answer ★★★ Object Oriented Programming |
Q 4.) ‘My Class’ को और क्या कहा जाता है | ||||||||
a) My Base b) Parent c) Child d) None of these Answer ★★★ Child |
Q 5.) Code क्या है | ||||||||
a) Updateable in the form editor b) Instructions c) Seldom used d) An object Answer ★★★ Seldom used |
Q 6.) Overriding and Overloading ____________ की विधि हैं | | ||||||||
a) Public b) Inheritance c) Polymorphism d) Abstraction Answer ★★★ Polymorphism |
Q 7.) Access Specifier का कौनसा मेम्बर Inheritable होता है | ||||||||
a) Protected Friend b) Public c) Private d) Protected Answer ★★★ Protected |
Q 8.) COM का पूरा नाम क्या है | ||||||||
a) Computer Object Model b) Component Objective Model c) Computer Objective Model d) Component Object Model Answer ★★★ Component Object Model |
Q 9.) VB.Net में एप्लीकेशन का नाम कहाँ दिखाई देता है | ||||||||
a) Properties window b) Intermediate window c) Code window d) Title bar Answer ★★★ Title bar |
Q 10.) इनमे से कौनसा VB.Net में बेसिक डाटा प्रकार है ? | ||||||||
a) Boolean b) Byte c) Char d) All of the above Answer ★★★ All of the above |
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